
Water is a major issue for society, both in France and worldwide.
It is essential for the survival of all forms of life on Earth, including humans. However, population growth, urbanization, intensive agriculture, industrialization, and climate change all have negative effects on access to freshwater and its quality.
In France, water management is a major issue due to the scarcity of certain resources, the concentration of withdrawals in certain regions, and the quality of water that can be altered by various human activities.
This can lead to conflicts of use, particularly between agriculture, industry, and the needs of populations.
Each of us plays an important role in preserving water and promoting responsible use. This can involve simple actions such as reducing water consumption, limiting polluting discharges into aquatic environments, promoting sustainable agriculture and water management in industry. It is also important to raise awareness among populations about the importance of water and to involve them in decision-making on water management.

Water is also a major international issue…
…because many countries share transboundary water resources.
In summary, sustainable water management is a major issue for humanity. Each of us must be aware of the importance of water and the need to preserve this vital resource for present and future generations.
Many actors participate in its preservation through different struggles, such as protection, education, or policy.
In the Annecy area, we invite you to discover “The Water Family” and the “Eau Neige Glace” foundation. On a more international level, you can follow the work of the “Water Coalition” or the “Water and Development” association. They need your support.
On our side, we participate through “1% for the Planet” and we will keep you informed of the actions and impacts achieved by this 1%.
Many books and media are published and produced to help us understand, become aware and take action.
For example, you can read the latest book by Heidi Sevestre – Sentinel of the Climate
or watch the documentary – The Secret Power of Water.
Water is the main component of our body, it is a source of life. It has incredible properties, including its amazing memory.
For these reasons, it seemed essential to us to share with you in Ode Annecy a drop of water from our lake to place an intention, a symbol…a simple drop to reconnect us, together, to water, nature, and life.